
October 29, 2019
6:00–7:00 pm
Gallery 400 Lecture Room
400 S. Peoria Street
Chicago, IL 60607
Chicago, IL 60607
Some Ideas On Display
Presenting a mixture of curated and artist projects, Lee Plested investigates various exhibition apparatus and interpretive strategies that enable the viewer as an active subject, discussing methods he’s utilized to create these display-based propositions within exhibitions to formalize interdependent encounters with essentially autonomous objects, their histories, and social resonance. Tea will be served.
Lee Plested is a curator from Vancouver, Canada, currently living in Berlin. Interested in making as a form of philosophical enquiry, projects often take up aspects of material culture as subject in contemporary artist practice. Inspired by the accomplishments of critical art, Plested works to frame recent gestures within this trajectory to further discussions of autonomy in the face of alienation, artist as commentator and the potential for art to impact our life world.
Recent exhibitions include the poets have always preceded, Vancouver Art and Poetry, 1960 – present, Griffin Art Projects, Vancouver, Primary Research Lab: Minimalist Labs and Field Research, Western Gallery, WWU, Bellingham, and Material Witness: Mario Garcia Torres and Konrad Wendt, Belkin Gallery, UBC, Vancouver. Plested has organized solo projects with John Baldessari, Janice Guy, Lee Lozano, Steven Shearer, Frances Stark, B Wurtz and many more. His writing has appeared in Artforum, Canadian Art, and Art21.