
January 18, 2019
5:00–8:00 pm
Gallery 400
400 S Peoria St
Chicago, IL 60607
Chicago, IL 60607
Join us in celebrating the opening of All have the same breath at Gallery 400. This interdisciplinary exhibition will be on view at Gallery 400 from January 18-March 9, 2018.
All have the same breath emerges out of a two-year interdisciplinary, collaborative project in which groups of anthropologists, archaeologists, art historians, artists, geographers, and scientists, have been investigating the politics of the environment and how the changing climate is experienced and negotiated across the world. The exhibition considers our relationship to the earth, and how that relationship is mediated by outside forces. The title signals the vital importance of acknowledging that all things—human, animal, vegetable, and mineral—are dependent on the same ecosystem and, indeed, breath the same air. The artists in All have the same breath give visual expression to the lived realities of those experiencing a changing landscape across the globe. Rather than engaging with the politics and rhetoric of climate change, All have the same breath raises urgent questions about how the global environmental crisis is experienced, felt, and visualized.