
November 18, 2022
3:00–4:00 pm
Virtual via Zoom
Join UIC Disability Cultural Center Director, Margaret Fink for a virtual tour of For Each Other, a group exhibition highlighting the ways a group of Chicago-based artists and collectives consider care in their work and in the contexts they create for their work.
Exhibiting artist Kennedy Healy considers structures of care that constantly surround her but may be invisible to others. Many of her pieces incorporate medical bills, timesheets, and medical equipment, critiquing state systems of violence which are framed as systems of care. Rather than the American ideal of independence, Kennedy imagines a world built on interdependence.
Kennedy Healy (she/her) is a Fat, Queer, Crip Chicago-based writer and consultant. Her work focuses on disability, accessibility, care, sexuality, media representation, and abolition. Most recently, she founded Crip Crap, a media company that makes media about disability, by and for disabled people. She is a Libra who loves plants, chicken wings, and feminist country music. Follow her work at Crip Crap Media or on Instagram @crip.crap.media.
Margaret Fink is the Director of UIC’s Disability Cultural Center, one of seven Centers for Cultural Understanding and Social Change. A cultural studies and literary scholar, she has published on disability representation in graphic fiction and taught courses on disability in American literature, reality television, and discourses of the mind/body distinction. After experiencing disability culture spaces at disability studies conferences, her work as a teacher blossomed into an interest in disability culture informed access practices and how they shape spaces for inclusion and belonging. More recently she has collaborated on pieces about accessible conference spaces, inclusive theater, and creative explorations of disability experience during the pandemic.
CART (live captions) and ASL will be available on Zoom. We’ll have a camera connecting the Zoom and the gallery to capture the objects and the tour. Descriptions will be integrated into the presentation. Contact gallery400engagement@gmail.com with any questions or requests.